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Areetha – Soapnut: Uses, Research and Side Effects

Reetha also known as soapnut is used for multiple purpose and as name suggests it is used for washing jewelleries, washing cloths and hairs and for some medicinal purposes as well. It gives good result in kushta rog (skin diseases) and psychiatric problems.

Botanical Name: Sapindus trifoliatus

Systemic classification, habitat

Family: Sapindaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons)
Subclass: Rosidae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Sapindaeceae (Soapberry family) (Arishtaka Kula)
Tribe: Andropogoneae
Genus: Sapindus (Soapberry)

Habitat: Found and grown in tropical regions of India and Nepal

Vernacular Names:

How it is know as across the India in different language:

English Name: Soap nut, Soap berry, Washnut, three leaf soapberry, South Indian Soapnut
Hindi Name: Ritha, reetha, Airtha, Phenil, Risht, Rishtak
Kannad Name: Antuvala Kayi
Telugu Name: Kumkum Chettu, kunkuduchettu, phenilamu
Tamil Name: Pannankottai, punalai, punthi, puvanti
Manipuri Name: kekru
Malayalam Name: cavakkaay, pasakkottamaram, uruvanchi
Bengali name: Ritha
Oriya, Konkani Name: Ritha
Urdu Name: Phenil, Reetha
Gujarati Name: Arithi, Aritho, Arithu

Sanskrit Synonyms:

Kumbha Beej: Round shape seeds
Peeta phena, phenila: frothy fruits
Raksha beeja, Arishtaka: Thwarts away evil elements and protects
Garbhpati: used in inducing abortion
Mangalya: Auspicious

Classical Categorization:

Bhavprakasha – Vatadi Varga
Kaiyadeva Nighantu – Oshadhi varga
Raja Nighantu – Prabhadradi Varga

Medicinal Properties:

Soapnut (Reetha) medicinal properties are as below:

Rasa (Taste): Tikta (bitter), Katu (Pungent)
Guna (Qualities): Laghu (Light to digest), Teekshna (Strong, piercing)
Vipaka: Katu, Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
Veerya: Ushna (Hot in potency)
Effect on Tridosha: Balances all three doshas (Vata, pitta and Kapha)
Which Parts are used: Fruits, shells, shell powder, roots, bark
Dosage: Powder can be used in 1 to 3 gms in divided doses per day

Uses of Reetha and Indication:

Reetha Used:

Lekhana – It has scraping property that helps in balancing kapha, in respiratory diseases and cholesterol / blood clotting in vessels.
Laghu – it is light to digest
Garbhapatana – induces abortion (so pregnant lady must avoid or consult the ayurvedic doctor)

Used in:

Graharoga: Psychiatric disorders
Kustha: useful for various skin diseases
Kandu: relives itching
Visha: useful in toxic conditions (like scorpion bite)
Visphota: boils and blisters can be cured

Roots are specially used in migraine and epilepsy.
Fruits which are bitter and astringent are emetic, abortifacient, anthelmintic

External Application:

It has anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties, so its powder if applied externally can help to cure boils, scorpion bite and itching lesions.
Reetha is a very popular ingredient in soaps and shampoos for hair wash.
Reetha powder is widely used to wash hair which helps to prevent dandruff, kills lice.

Side effects:

It is always advisable to consult Ayurveda consultant for oral intake. And its strictly prohibited during pregnancy as it can induce the abortion.

How to make shampoo with Areetha:

First of all dry the Reetha fruits and than cut them and remove the seeds. Soak the dry fruit which is de-seeded in water overnight. Boil hit on the light flame so that its properties remain. After boiling the reetha will turn slimy and mushy. Strain the liquid and add your favourite essential oil to it. Your shampoo is ready for use.

Areetha Powder Users:

Areetha Powder Can be used to wash jewels and Clothes:

Dry the areetha fruits and pound it and remove seeds from the fruits. Once its dried, make a powder with use of kharal or mixture. Put 2 tablespoon of soapnut powder into half bucket water and mix it properly. Once its mixed leave it for five minutes that will form froth. Now this is used as soap water. Once this water is prepared you can soak the clothes in the water for an hour and then wash.

The same water can be used to get back the shine of jewellery and clean the jewellery.

Reetha for washing clothes:

Tie dried reetha fruit in thin cloth and put it into washing machine. It will produce forth and cleans the clothes. Or you can also soak the dried areetha fruits in bucket of water and than clothes are dipped in it and then washed.

Ayurvedic Medicines where areetha is used as an ingredient:

Asanadi Kashaya – this kashaya is used in various treatment like diabetes, skin diseases and obesity etc.

Does areetha intake interact with other medicines or supplements:

Does this go well when you are on homoeopathic medicine?
This product doesn’t react with homoeopathic medicine

Can we take this while having supplements like multivitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.?
In general this product goes well with all the supplements. But its advisable to consult a doctor for an opinion.

Does this interact with western medicines / allopathic medicines:
If there is a necessity of taking ayurvedic products and western medicine, it is advised to keep a gap of around 30 mins. First you can take allopathic medicine and than after 30 minutes you can take it.


Chemical composition and bio activities –


Sthanika karma (Systemic Action)

External use of Areetha:

Areetha has analgesics, anti inflammatory and anti poisonous in nature. It has scraping qualities on tissues. If you are suffering from animal bites, itching and blisters, make a fine paste of areetha powder and apply on wound and it will quickly heal the condition. Its also used to get relief in reducing the burning sensation on the skin.


Nervous system: Seed of areetha can cause intoxication. Indicated in Helminthiasis
Digestive system: Help induce vomiting and purgation. Indicated in ascites, phantom tumor etc.
Circulatory system: Blood purifier
Respiratory system: expels out kapha dosha, indicated in cough, asthma etc.
Reproductive system: Helps in constructing the uterine muscles. In olden days it was used in delayed or obstructed labor.
Skin: indicated in skin disorder
Satmikarana: Anti poisonous. Acts against Ahiphena poisoning

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