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Why Eating Curd (Dahi) is Good for You? Health Benefits of Curd

Curd is tasty and lights up your agni so it has many benefits over milk. Also curd is loved by almost everyone and consumed in every corner of earth everyday by humans. Below are a few amazing health benefits of curd in short which you may know or didn’t know till now.

  • Curd can be taken in the limit of 20 to 40 grams everyday
  • As per ayurveda curd made from cow milk, balances your vata and lightens up your agni. So before starting your meal you can have 20 to 40 grams of curd everyday.
  • Curd made from goat milk is considered to be very effective.
  • It helps you to get relief from loose motion
  • Curd is light in nature so your stomach will not fill heavy or bloated after eating it
  • It will help you to balance all three doshas (vata, pitta and kafa)
  • Curd mixed with sugar is considered the best for relieving acidity and curd added with sugar helps to improve its quality of improving digestion
  • One can have curd mixed with pure honey as well.
  • To get rid of Gout one can have curd with moong dal. Instead of Consuming curd alone, its advisable to eat it with moong dal or toor dal (pigeon pea)
  • Try to avoid eating curd in the night, and if you can’t avoid eating curd in the night it is advisable to take it mixed with ghee and sugar. Also you can mix it with moong dal, honey or Amla (Indian Gooseberry).
  • Curd mixed with Kali Marich/ Black pepper and jaggery will help you to get rid of cough and coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose)

There are plenty of benefits of Curd and it can be consumed everyday in moderation according to your body type. So eat curd and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Please note: all the above experiments are taken from various ayurveda books and should be followed under guidance of experienced ayurveda doctor or vaidya.

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